hmm, seems like more effort.
BEATS DUDEEEE BEAT BEATS BEATS NEED TO CHANGE THE EBATS, there just a little blip and its like wow that was gay. hmm... its got the GoW feeling to it. i dont know if it will be in it though. too much not really corect. beats need to be changed alot as always. lol why does every song have like 10,000 dls? sorry to say but they arent taht good.
this is one of your better ones though, i like the voice things, they should be in there more.
youve kinda got that dnb thing going wiht the strings, and i sounds well done. but the thing taht like goes bup bup bp BUPBUP like is retarded to the max lol.
the alarm sound is the ebst evar! i love those =)
i ould like to see this in GoW II but its got some work.
this probably shouldnt be a final if you want it displayed with the commercial for GoW II